Let Go and Let God

Many years ago I learned about letting go of my worries and letting God guide me to peace and solutions.

I learned about using something called a "God Bag."

When something is worrying you, causing stress and you don't know what to do about it....


Write down what it is and then put the piece of paper in a bag...a paper bag, a cloth bag...whatever.  That's your "God Bag".
Once you put it into your "God Bag" LET IT GO.
God will take it from there.

Over the years I have discovered the power of the God Bag and letting God take over and guide me to His solutions.

I now create special containers for people who want to use this concept.

Attached to each container is the following:

"Whenever I have a situation I don't know how to handle,
I can find peace by turning it over to God.
Simply writing it down and putting it
in my God Gourd or God Box brings me closer to my Higher Power.
Today I choose to let God be in charge of my life.
Then He guides me to His answer to the situation."

God Gourds and God Boxes

 You can order a God Gourd or God Box for yourself and also for people you care about and want to help.

I can custom design your God Gourd or God Box...using your color choices and your design ideas.
Or you can choose from my completed creations.

Want a God Gourd or a God Box?  Just let me know.   here or email me: carolynm16@cox.

Does your church want to order a number of God Gourds and God Boxes at a discounted price?  (great way to raise money as well as promote prayer of surrender and letting go)  Let me know.


1 comment:

  1. My name is Kelly and I am one of your Flying lessons classmates. I love your Gourds and I love how these are God boxes. I am a recovering alcoholic and I use a God box all the time. I will have to pass on your site to my friends because these are fabulous!!!
