Friday, August 12, 2011

Good Friday Morning!

Happy Friday!
I took some pictures this morning of my work space and thought you might like to see my crowded, messy but happy little work space.  I like it and so does my old cat Kareem.  Though I don't let him get in too often because he gets into stuff he shouldn't.

Here's Kareem.....

I spend a lot of time in this space and love it all.
I know where everything is (most of the time).
Now it's time for me to do the things I plan to do today....learn more from my ecourse with on the gourd I on the gourd my husband wants to start stippling.
Maybe I'll make time to get a haircut, too!
Have a great day and a great weekend!


  1. I love your workspace! Thanks for the tour.
    Actually I am jealous! lol

  2. Hi Teri...
    you are jealous? lol what, you want my cat?
